Thursday, April 5, 2012


Its official!! Mehr Rampal is no longer a Gauri Khan bestie!
Termed as "Bollywood's new hit pair", Gauri and Suzanne appeared extremely airbrushed on the latest cover of Vogue with Gauri in a Marc Jacobs with Louboutins and Suzanne in a Chanel and Louboutins. Somewhere Mehr is burning copies of the magazine in her backyard!
Gauri looks happier on this cover than I have ever seen her pictured with her famous husband. And Suzanne looks unrecognizable. Somoeone went crazy with the Photoshop!
The cover is Meh!! though - not really Vogue cover-worthy


  1. Jai Photoshop Baba Ki!!
    Suzzane looks so different from her real self

  2. Wow! These women never really smile..

  3. What would they do if Photoshop were non existent? :P
