Monday, February 27, 2012

Heroine suffers yet another setback!

Madhur probably curses the day he decided to make Heroine. First Aish got all knocked up and didn't tell him before over excited daddy-in-law tweeted to the world. Then Saifu's darling Kareena decided to bail him out by stepping in and doing the film. And when it looked things were finally looking good, the film-writer Niranjan's laptop containing the script was stolen from his car when he was visiting Gayman-Johar at his office. When he figured it out, he almost crapped his pants and ran straight to the Khar police station to file a complaint - fat chance of getting your laptop back!
He's going to have to rewrite some of the lines from the film and forego going away with Gayman Johar to the sets of Student of the Year and instead stay back and pay for his foolishness.
That's what happens when you don't have backups and encryption!


  1. Ha! Dumbasss. We live in US and have had our car broken into twice even though it was parked right outside. Lesson: Never keep anything important in your car. EVER!

  2. @Anonymous, I agree! Should be common sense which apparently doesn't exist when it should!
