Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tuesday tidbits

Because we weren't tortured enough with her on screen, Kareena has now decided she wants to direct films.
I mean, how hard can it be, right? Apparently she's been throwing her weight around with the background work in Saifu darling's Agent Vinod and feels that makes her qualified to direct. She also ordered asked Shakun Batra to change the script or EMAET coz she thought her character was too similar to Geet from Jab We Met and she wanted no Shahid-memories associated with this project. Of course Shakun obliged. 
Now she's managed to torture convince gayman Johar to let her direct his next film first by assisting him and then directing it  full-fledged!! Darling, you ain't no Farhan Akhtar! Only he can pull off that all-in-one shit!

2012 ain't a good one for Bi-pa-sha. First, her "Hollywood" film with Josh Hartnett got stalled due to moolah-trouble. And now her next JodiBreakers is in legal trouble. Turns out the makers of the film overlooked the tiny fact that they were blatantly copying the French film Heartbreaker without really buying the rights. Gayman Johar was on his way to buy the rights of the film when the promos of JodiBreakers started and told on the JodiBreakers team. And Heartbreaker producers wasted no time and sent off a nice court order asking for a 50 crore compensation. 

Jr Bachchan is PISSED! At Jet Airways. After they refused to let him on board for strolling into the airport well after the check in time. 
Probably saw that there was no Aish, Sr Bachchan or Beti B in tow. Why else would you want to entertain Abhishek? :P Anyways, Jr B threw a fit when Jet gave him a boarding pass but didnt let him on the plane coz he was late to the gate. Angered for not being treated as a star, Jr B decided to give up Jet. Boo hoo, I am sure they will miss him :P


  1. Serves him right! Star should be able to make it to the flight on time cause they get people to do everything for them. Carry luggage check in luggage, clear the way, get tickets all the star have to do is dress up in their ugliest designer clothes and stand outside the gate... He couldn't even do that right......ha ha ahah ah ha I am soooooooo HAPPY!
    These spoiled people shouldn't expect the effing plane to wait for them. There are other people who need to get places. Time is MONEY Jr.

  2. Okay so I am hating Kareena now. It's like everywhere you see is Kareena Kareena
    I'm getting sick of her and Thank You Admin for posting the ugliest picture of her. This song is a disaster.

  3. @Anonymous -Jr B got a nice taste of reality :)

    @Anonymous 2 - Haha I picked the picture coz it is ugly :P. Lets hope she ties the knot and blends out of the spotlight for a while

  4. BTW ABjr is such a bitch to complain about him missing the flight. I heard that it was the Jet airlines fault and they made up to him by kissing his ass in the lounge area and then booking him on the next flight. In USA people get kicked off the flight for playing on phones. He's luky that they're kissing his ass. People need to stand up to these so called STARS. This guy has no talent and he's living off of his Daddy and Mommy and now his wife's stardom.
    He need to come down to Earth.

  5. Anonymous, there were reports of him hitting some guy on the sets a while ago but its good that he gets a slap every once in a while so he knows he ain't really running the world!!
